Sunday, April 19, 2009

Flowers, flowers everywhere...

At least, that was the case at Red Butte Gardens today.

I have to admit, this adventure was solely for me. This time of year the gardens aren't as kid-oriented as later when there is a mini water park gurgling through various ports, but I needed some beauty in my life. I found it.

Regardless, Topie did manage to find her own forms of entertainment. I hadn't seen this statue on my last visit almost 2 years ago, so it was pretty cool to discover how much the University has added in that time.

I must say, it made for an excellent photo op.

And this little nymph/goddess statue in the background would've also been nice to capture, but it's never easy to include EVERYTHING when all you have going for you is an outstretched arm.

Once I'd gotten my fill of fragrant herbs and aesthetic design, the two of us meandered to the kid area.

It's pretty interesting, but more so I like the fact that it hopefully engrains an appreciation for creation. By that, I'm referring to works that people design with an eye-pleasing yet functional effect---A.R.T.

Topie personally enjoys any form of enclosure.

And I enjoy them when they contain a gecko sunroof.

This photo just kills me because I have an almost exact copy of it when Topie was half the size, with pigtails and chubby little cheeks. Tear...

And there you have it, a fun-filled day at Red Butte Gardens on another Sunday afternoon.

And I definitely got my fix of gorgeous thought-provoking scenery, while Topaz embarked on a journey with fixtures you don't see everyday at the zoo or park. The garden awakes and it's always worth the trip.


  1. i love your fun pictures! i remember when jasmine was that fun. watch out, they grow up fast:)

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