Saturday, June 2, 2012

Ahhhh, a reprieve from insanity!

I feel so optimistic and light that I don't want anything to disrupt my June zen. Today I ran a couple of miles through the city streets and absolutely absorbed everything around me. So many houses and yards to observe. I literally stopped to smell the masses and masses of roses. It was a sensory explosion.

Perhaps I'm still reeling from my Wednesday concert. It was a first in a very, very long time and it was very, very needed. I saw Danger at the Urban Lounge. Dance floors are such a separate world where one is able to immerse fully into shared feeling and experience. Everyone moves and sways with the beat while closing their eyes to the intangible pulse. I talk a lot about pulses and drums when I write; it's probably because they're such real reverberations. Sometimes they're the only thing that reminds us we're alive.

Whatever the case may be, I feel like everything is ok. I bought this new combination of vitamins and it's ridiculous----ly good. It consists of some B's, some D's and some good ol' fashioned St. John's Wort. I kid you not, I feel a lot of the perks of Adderall without the crazy high (which I love, truly, madly, deeply, but sometimes prefer not to be buzzing all day every day).

But nobody can argue that when life is good, life is GOOD. Sometimes I think about people I've crossed who've turned into jerks, but it takes about 5 seconds to remind myself that I actually need FEWER jerks in my life. More nice people, please. And more guinea pigs. And bunnies named "Puppy." And best friends in the feline form. I love my little animals, oh so much!

Anyway, Topie is wrapping up her year of Kindergarten and as she participates in field days and fun runs, I tell her to live it up, because those 6-year-old memories last a lifetime and you can never do it again. For the most part, I think she listens. She comes home radiating with sunshine and babbles incessantly about her day. Her energy is amusingly exhausting. I want to tell her to sprint a few laps and not come back until she's tired. My friend Rueben used to throw tennis balls up the side of a steep mountain for his Labrador to chase so she'd be mellow at home. I wonder if that works for children...

I have to work in a few minutes after this nice long refreshing day of "me" time, but I'm looking forward to several hours of friendly banter and the happy faces of my coworkers. It's so nice to have a job in such a positive environment. It rubs off on me, for sure.

So as I wrap up this little Saturday blip, I just want to say that life is good. I'm looking forward to a weekend of fun and laughter. Because laughter is always always always the best medicine.

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