Sunday, January 3, 2010

The first steps in a series of many, hopefully, in Topie's lifelong adventure of determining who she really is. Will she pursue dancing long-term? Who knows. At the very least, we can have fun watching her twirl and whirl through her childhood.

Lots of other people are excited to support her too. Her Grandma Joyce will probably always be Topaz's biggest fan!

I just think it's so sad that she's such a tomboy, because she looks so pretty in pink.

And the added bonus of preschool dancing is the amount of friends we've made. Topaz does her thing, bonding with the other little girls, and I talk to the other moms. I think we both have fun on Tuesdays.

That's her favorite pal Jaycee. Jaycee has an adorable little sister named Ceejay. I just thought that was somewhat funny and therefore worth mentioning. Anyway, they're bffs. It's kindof fun to watch Topie make her first friends outside of family and my immediate circles.

Now let's see what else we can fill up her sweet little life with!


  1. wow! she is simply adorable, and i agree- so pretty in pink:)
    LOVED the pics of san francisco, looks like fun, the three of you are so cute! how funny that we all used to be at the o.g. together once upon a time.
    hope things are going good for you and your little princess. you're both beautiful!
